George’s Shoe, Leather, & Hockey Repair Website
I’m a big sucker for a challenge, and for environmentally sustainable businesses, so I jumped at the chance to combine two separate existing websites (George’s Shoe & Leather Repair and George’s Hockey Repair) into one while giving the shop an overall marketing facelift.
While both sides of the business are well-respected in the community and were getting a good amount of business, we all agreed that the prior sites looked a little dated and could better reflect the balance of artisanal expertise and their use of the latest technology that they’re known and loved for.
See below for the two sites prior to the combination and the final product.
Original Sites
Combined Site
Design Nuts & Bolts
It’s not particularly sexy or exciting, but it is important design work—the stuff that makes the business run.
Before we started working together, there was only an order form for the hockey side of the business, and it hadn’t been updated in many years. I created a new, up-to-date template, modifying it for each side of the business and making sure they live in the same overall universe as the rest of the site.
We also decided to make a physical gift certificate that would match the look and feel of the shop—something nice, but not tooooo nice, y’know?
Focus on your trade, not your website.
We’ve all been there—knowing we need an update on our digital presence but never quiiiiite getting the time to tackle it ourselves. Let me help—it’s well worth it, I promise.